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The Story

There's Angels and Demons and Peanuts! Oh my! =O

Found A Peanut tells the story of the Abendroth teens, who, through a series of rather unfortunate events (namely, Kiki's stupidity) end up as lost souls wandering around in "The Middle Ground". With the help of the Reaper of Souls, Faustus, and the Book Keeper, Pascal, they set out to reclaim their bodies, in hopes of returning to the living world. But it will be far more difficult than any of them expect, as countless secrets are uncovered and many mysteries are solved!

The Making

Found A Peanut was first started waaaaaaay back in mid-2005. I was only 15 at the time and the story was very different then. When I first thought it up, Kiki was 12 instead of 16 and Window didn't even exsist!! =O *horror* ....Now that I think about it though....Kiki still acts 12...D= Anyway! When Window first came into exsistence he was still only a minor character and was only supposed to appear in the first chapter. But as I drew him, with each passing page, I began to really like his character, and I dreaded the day he would just be a memory. So, I made some adjustments to the story, and.....that's when it exploded...Window became a main character and many of the holes in my plot were suddenly gone! Things just started to fall into place. It was beautiful!! Y_Y (ignore that comment. I just said it because I wanted too xD ) Not only that, but Window's presence in the story caused my strange little brain to come up with even more little twists to throw into the plot. Eeeevil twists. >=D ..........Ok not really. I just wanted to say that too....

(This section is still under construction and will be updated...when Dice-chan gets to it =P )

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